How Does Solar Energy Turn Into Electricity

How Does Solar Energy Turn Into Electricity: A Simple Guide

As the world increasingly embraces sustainable energy solutions, solar energy has emerged as the most accessible and easy to implement. For farmers, particularly those in rural America, solar power offers a promising pathway to reduce energy costs and increase self-sufficiency. However, the ins and outs of how solar energy actually works is still somewhat of a mystery to most. At Sun Farmer’s Group, we specialize in giving solar energy to farmers all over the United States and have a deep understanding of the latest in solar technology. But if we take a step back, how does solar energy turn into electricity? How does it work? In this article, we will take a deep dive into understanding how solar energy works on its most basic level.

Understanding Solar Energy and Photovoltaic Technology 

Solar energy takes the sun’s light and heat and converts it into electricity through a series of technologies. The most common method of conversion is photovoltaic (PV) technology. This system uses solar panels to convert sunlight into electricity. Here’s how it works! 

  1. Photovoltaic cells. The key component of solar panels is the photovoltaic cell. These cells are usually made from silicon. These silicon cells generate electricity through something called the photovoltaic effect. The sun’s rays emit photons. When these photons come in contact with the surface of the photovoltaic cells, the electrons in the silicon atoms become displaced. This creates an electrical current when the electrons flow through the material. 
  2. Solar panels. Each solar panel is made up of a series of several photovoltaic cells that work together to harness power from the sun. This increases the potential amount of power output per panel. When sunlight hits the panels, each cell contributes to the overall electricity of the solar system and maximizes the amount of usable energy per panel. The bigger the panel and number of panels, the more potential power output.
  3. Inverter technology. If the photovoltaic cells harness all of the energy, how does it convert into usable electricity? The energy generated by the solar panels is direct current or known as DC. The problem is that most machines and equipment require alternative current (AC). This is where inverters come into play. An inverter for a solar energy system converts the DC power into usable AC power. Without the inverter technology, solar energy would not be usable for most applications.

How Solar Energy Works for Farmers

Solar energy is uniquely advantageous for farmers, specifically because of the potential cost savings. However, converting a farm into one that uses solar energy is more involved than a simple residential installation. There are several key steps you need to take before you can get up and running. Let’s take a look at some of them. 

  1. Site assessment and planning. Installing solar on your farm takes a lot of planning. Everything from sun exposure to the land itself needs to be assessed by a professional to determine the optimal configuration for your operation. After a complete assessment, a solar professional will be able to come up with a tailored solution that works perfectly for you. 
  2. Design and installation. Once your land and operation have been assessed, a professional will be able to move into the design phase of your project. Based on the takeaways from the initial assessment, your installer will be able to determine the optimal design for your farm, including everything from the number of panels and the location of the panels to your inverters. With a design approved, your vendor will be able to install the system. Depending on the size of the system, this could take anywhere from a couple of days to weeks. 
  3. Integrate with existing energy systems. If your farm has any secondary or backup energy systems, it’s possible to seamlessly integrate your solar system with it. This is also a potential opportunity to set up a net metering solution, an opportunity to sell excess energy back to the power companies. Depending on what state you live in, this can be a source of supplemental income for your farm. Read more about net metering in this article.
  4. Ongoing maintenance. Once installed, your solar system is up and running and producing electricity for your farm. Although ongoing maintenance should be minimal, there are things you will need to do to keep your solar system running optimally, including keeping your panels clean and using software to monitor the performance. If you notice a dip in performance, most modern solar softwares are able to pinpoint the issue so you can expedite a repair and get your system back up and running at 100%.

Now, you’re well on your way to all of the benefits that come along with running your farm on solar energy. This includes a massive cost savings on electricity, a cleaner operation, and an opportunity to scale profits like never before. In some industries, growing crops with solar energy can even be a marketable selling point for products. Read more about how consumer behaviors have changed and how sustainable practices have become profitable for farmers

Final Thoughts About How Does Solar Energy Turn Into Electricity

Solar energy technology is pretty simple at its core, but it’s necessary to understand how it works so that you can be informed before installing. As long as you trust a reputable solar energy installer, you should be able to implement solar power on your farm without any problems. There are more advancements in solar happening every day, and the future of solar energy is brighter than ever, especially for farmers. 

How Sun Farmer’s Group Can Help

Sun Farmer’s Group is the first true turnkey solution for agricultural solar energy. Our proprietary program has brought all of the in-house expertise to the table in grant writing, financing, tax credit monetization, installation, and so much more. Unlike other companies, Sun Farmer’s Group empowers farmers with a no-money down solution that greatly reduces and eventually eliminates your power bill altogether. The future is as bright as the sun, and we’ll help you turn it into power!

Get in Touch

If you’re ready to learn more about how Sun Farmer’s Group can help you put more money in your pocket, call 877-417-3222 today!

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